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Karl Mayer to feature at VDMA China symposium

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-01-30 14:55:53  来源:www.knittingtradejournal.com 收藏
Frankfurt - Karl Mayer will be among several German textile machine builders and equipment suppliers taking part in the VDMA’s conference and exhibition program in China in March.

The textile machinery section of the German Textile Machinery and Equipment Association (VDMA) will present three symposia at different locations in China between 5 and 9 March 2012 under the heading 'German Technology for the Chinese Technical Textile Industry – Conference & Exhibition'.

The dates and locations are:

  • 5 March 2012, Jinan, Shandong Province (360 km south of Beijing)
  • 7 March 2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province (approximately 170 km SW of Shanghai
  • 9 March 2012, Quanzhou, Fujian Province (in SE China, west of Taiwan)

One symposium will be held at each location and will include presentations of technologies and methods for the production of technical textiles and nonwoven products.

Hagen Lotzmann, the product developer at Karl Mayer Malimo, will introduce textile machines based on warp-knitting technology for the production of technical textiles and will concentrate on the production of substrates for coating and composites. In addition, he will also offer details of the company’s warp preparation technology for the production of technical yarns.

Delegates to the conferences will also hear from companies such as Lenzing, Monforts, Menzel and Dornier.

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