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Pak-China trade crosses USD 10 bn in 2011

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-02-14 10:22:53  来源:CTEI 收藏
Beijing, Jan 31 (PTI) Trade between Pakistan and China grew by 22 per cent to USD 10.6 billion in 2011.

The two South-east Asian nations had registered trade worth USD 8.7 billion in 2010.

Pakistan''s exports went up by 23 per cent totalling USD 2.12 billion, while Chinese exports grew by 22 per cent logging about USD 8.48 billion, a report by Pakistan''s state-run news agency ''APP'' said.

Pakistan''s Ambassador to China, Masood Khan, welcomed the steady increase in the volume of bilateral trade, and especially in Pakistani exports, in the past four years.

"If we have more exportable surplus, the vast Chinese market will be able to absorb our commodities and services," the report quoted Khan as saying.

Pakistan and China have set USD 15 billion as the target for the next two to three years.

Despite close ties, Pakistan''s exports to China in 2008 was USD 1 billion.

By the end of 2011, the exports had more than doubled to USD 2.12 billion.

Since 2008, Pakistan''s export to China has increased by 100 per cent, the report said.

The increase was mainly on the back of both the countries signing a Free Trade Agreement on goods, services and investment.

Khan said China was fully conscious of the trade deficit between Pakistan and China and was working with Pakistani authorities to take measures to increase Pakistani exports to China to bring down the deficit.

It is inviting leading Pakistani traders and trading houses to participate in China''s international and regional expos and exhibitions.

The biggest increase in Pakistani exports to China has been in cotton yarn, home textiles, garments, ores and mineral products, copper and copper scrap, plastic scrap, leather goods, fish products, medical and surgical instruments, chemical products, and food stuffs.

From China, Pakistan imports polyester and silk fabrics, polyester staple fabrics, fertilisers, tyres, mobile communication equipment, gas turbines, motorcycle parts, combustion piston engines, electrical appliances, iron and steel products, and various other forms of machinery, the report said.
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