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Speedo and Puma to attend 'Future Factory'

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-02-14 14:18:58  来源:ecotextile 收藏
NOTTINGHAM – Speakers from Puma and Speedo International will feature at a one-day ‘Sustainability Means Business’ event hosted by The Future Factory at Nottingham Trent University next month. The seminar aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises to understand and demonstrate the sustainable credentials of their products, processes or services.

Guest speakers include Rob Brown, Global Head of Corporate Responsibility at Speedo International, who as part of the Speedo CR strategy is implementing a sustainable product plan. Also on the list is the Head of ‘PUMA.Safe Ecology’ who is responsible for Puma’s innovative Environmental Profit & Loss account which helps Puma focus on how to reduce its environmental impact. The account has shown that 94% of the company’s ?45 million environmental cost is contained within its supply chain.

In addition, key speakers will include Andy Caughy, Armadillo Marino a UK supplier of merino wool base layer clothing, Megan Gawith, form the UK Climates Impact Programme (UKCIP), Debra Easter, manager of the Future Factory Project housed at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) together with senior NTU lecturer Lynn Oxborrow.

A spokeperson from NTU said, “Our event will look at the issues, and hear from those at the top of big businesses about the importance they place on the environmental sustainability of their supply chain.”

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文章关键词: Speedo  Puma 


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