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China: annual growth rate of industrial added value of textile industry to lower to 8% during the "12th Five-Year" period

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-02-14 14:46:34  来源:ccfgroup 收藏
During "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, above designated enterprises of China’s national textile industry achieved an average annual growth of 18.2 percent in industrial output value, their industrial added value increased by 12.6 percent on average in 2011.

The annual growth rate of industrial added value of China's textile industry has been lowered to 8 percent on average during the "12th Five-Year" period, energy consumption of industrial added value will be reduced 20 percent per unit annually. It shows that the main development theme of textile industry has turned to the pursuit of both quality and benefit from scale expansion.

From an international perspective, China's textile industry is facing intensified competition both from high-end industrial chain of developed countries and low-end industry chain of developing countries. Developed countries occupy active market position by their integrated advantages of technology, brand and supply chain. Trade protectionism has risen since the outbreak of international financial crisis, major developed countries have adopted trade remedies or added technical barriers to limit product imports from other countries.

From a domestic perspective, during the process of economic transformation and upgrading, structural labor shortage of the textile industry is increasing. The acceleration of resource-saving and environment-friendly society has provided higher requirement on the textile industry that has completed energy saving and eliminated backward enterprises.

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文章关键词: industrial added value  textile industry 


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