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Chinese entrepreneurs ready to invest in Indonesia

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-02-22 13:28:50  来源:Indotextiles 收藏
Some of the Chinese textile industry plans to invest in West Java. Secretary General of the Indonesian Textile Association (API) Jabar Kevin Hartanto said there is a positive side and negative when the plan was terealiasi. "Information exodus plan China's textile industry is known of their visit some time ago. Although threatened, but we wrote fair," said Kevin.

According to Kevin, the capital investment plans of local businesses threatened textile and textile products (TPT). Especially the local industry also must deal with minimum wage increases of district / city (UMK) and the planned increase in electricity tariff (TDL) next April.

Kevin explained that Chinese investors prefer to invest in Indonesia because of the current administration to tighten regulation of the textile business. In addition, labor costs in China more expensive fitted the exorbitant prices of raw materials.

According to him, these changes make the textile industry to invade countries in Southeast Asia, one of Indonesia. Natural resources (SDA) is abundant and relatively cheap wages the main attraction of Indonesia.

"Until now, incoming PMA Jabar textiles, there are Korea and Taiwan. They think Indonesia has a very good potential," he said.

Even so it was considered, the arrival of foreign direct investment from China has a positive impact, the new jobs. He also hopes the competition with PMA would make the actors more creative and innovative textiles. "Yes there is a positive and negative impacts. Hopefully with Chinese textile manufacturers will make people's purchasing power increases," said Kevin.

Kevin asked the government to make regulations to protect the local textile industry. He wanted to Chinese FDI is directed at the development of downstream textile sector, namely the production of garments. "If the PMA developed a garment, it will open up many job opportunities. In addition they are strong capital," said Kevin.

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