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CHIC2012 Will Open From Mar 26th-29th, 2012, With The Theme of "CROSSING"

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-02-24 10:42:14  来源:CTEI 收藏

CHIC2012 is coming. The host of CHIC revealed that the registration procedure had begun, as well as the latest news about 2012 exhibition area. CHIC2012 will open from Mar 26th-29th, 2012, with the theme of "crossing". Higher service criteria will be asked in aspects of exhibitors, visitors, activities and field services to promote brand value.

Promotional art is displayed CHIC's website and the host of CHIC said: "Bright oil spray is used to form the tensioned and impressive picture on the CHIC2012 poster; the creativity, free-thinking and passion of the event has attracted people to CHIC for 20 years."

CHIC has developed with the growth of garment industry. Over 20 years, the total area of CHIC had been expanded from 10 thousand square meters to 110 thousand square meters with thousands of brands. It introduced the brands that have affected the Chinese fashion industry profoundly and witnessed the growth of others, as well as the development of wenzhou mode, women's wear of Shenzhen and Hangzhou.

CHIC has become the leader of the industry instead of a refraction of it. It has grown into a platform of business promotion, fashion experience and source communication. It is enlarged by holding tens of activities including Chinese Garment Forum, Chinese Fashion Release, and The Year Awards of Chinese Fashion Brands, among others. Over the past two years, CHIC has made a series of crossover trials, blending originalities into professional exhibitions by painting, installation and sculpture, molding CHIC into a fashion platform with a sense of fashion experience, leading trends, creativity and crossover enlightening.

China's twelfth five-year plan begins in 2012, which is a crucial time of strengthening for the Chinese garment industry. Since its establishment, CHIC has aimed to "lead the progress of China's garment industry, pushing forward the development of Chinese garment brands."

CHIC has neither increased as its scale nor expand its number of exhibitors aimlessly. The growth of the Chinese garment industry and its products will bring about brand new growth points and influence. Like what the deputy president of China National Garment Association Chen Dapeng said, the scale of development of CHIC has come into focus over in last two years; the next phrase will be the embodiments of service and value.

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文章关键词: CHIC2012  theme of "crossing" 


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