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Sudan: Minister Welcomes Chinese Investment in Textile Industry

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-02-29 13:29:26  来源:CTEI 收藏

The Minister of Industry Engineer Abdel Wahab Mohamed Osman has affirmed Sudan’s welcoming of Chinese investors as well as Chinese investment companies to investment in different sectors of textile and clothes. This came during his meeting with the delegation of Chinese based International Zong Tin for Industries headed by Lee Yu.

The minister spoke about characteristics Sudan enjoys in the fields of agriculture, cotton industry, and the ministry’s present plans for setting textile factories on motion in the towns of Kosti, Duwain and Shendi; the rehabilitation of Al Haj Abdallah and Al Hassahissa textile factories. Osman called on the Chinese company to enter in investment in these factories in a partnership useful for both sides, affirming the state support to domestic and foreign private sectors and supplying necessary facilities in line with policy on free economy the state has adopted; and providing incentives to private sector through cutting taxes, customs and exemption of production inputs.

For his part, the manager of the Chinese company affirmed his company’s desire to expand in Sudan, which will start with cultivation of cotton in Al Gezira to engage in textile and clothes industries in order to achieve integration between agriculture and industry, pointing out that his company is regarded as one of top world companies in textile industry with more than 30 years of experience.

Lee Yu hailed national resources and suitable climate in Sudan for growth and production of cotton. He invited the Minister to visit China to get acquainted with the company’s investment back home.

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文章关键词: Sudan  textile industry  Chinese investment 


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