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PX, PTA & MEG trends continue to fall

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-03-15 11:13:55  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

Paraxylene (PX) price continued to decline in Asian markets. In S E Asian market, PX prices were in the range of US$ 1640/ton to US$ 1650/ton. In F E Asian region, PX prices were in between US$ 1645/ton to US$ 1650/ton. PX imported from Taiwanese market was quoted at around US$ 1645/ton.

In Asian markets, PTA price continued to decrease. In F E Asian and S E Asian region, PTA prices were in between US$ 1190/ton to US$ 1195/ton. PTA imported from Taiwanese market was quoted around US$ 1190/ton. In Chinese domestic market, PTA price declined to around RMB 8850/ton to RMB 8900/ton.

In S E Asian market, Ethylene price fell to US$ 1380/ton. In F E Asian market, ethylene price was around US$ 1345/ton. In U.S.A market Ethylene was in the range of 63.00 cents/pound to 63.50 cents/pound. In European market, it was in the range of?330/ton to?340/ton. In European domestic market, price was around US$ 1710/ton.

MEG price declined further, in S E Asian markets and was offered in the range of US$ 1050/ton to US$ 1055/ton. In Chinese domestic market, MEG price was in the range of US$ 1047/ton to US$ 1052/ton. In Chinese domestic market, selling offers were around RMB 7750/ton.

In S E Asian region, BG PET Chips price was stable in the range of US$ 1680/ton to US$ 1685/ton. In F E Asian markets, selling offers were around US$ 1685/ton for export goods. In Chinese market, BG PET Chip offered at RMB 11850/ton.

In Korean markets, FG PET Chips price increased in the range of US$ 1580/ton to US$ 1590/ton and in Indian market, FOB based price was assessed in the range of US$ 1575/ton to US$ 1580/ton. In Chinese market, FG PET Chip hovered at RMB 11500/ton to RMB 11600/ton.

In N Asian PSF market, price was stable in the range of US$ 1640/ton to US$ 1650/ton. In S E Asian market, PSF offers were in the range of US$ 1545/ton to US$ 1555/ton. In Chinese domestic market, PSF offers were around RMB 11500/ton to RMB 11550/ton.

Price of Polyester POY was stable in Chinese domestic market and was around RMB 11700/ton. FDY and DTY selling offers were at RMB 12100/ton to RMB 13200/ton, respectively. In export market, offers for POY, FDY and DTY were at US$ 1590/ton, US$ 1640/ton and US$ 1785/ton, respectively.

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文章关键词: PX Price  PTA Price  MEG Price 


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