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Intertextile confirming new pavilion from Belgium

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-03-16 08:36:02  来源:CTEI 收藏

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles–Autumn Edition 2012 will return to Shanghai from 28–30 August, increasing the international exhibition space by 33%, which now occupies two entire halls. For the first time, Belgium will debut a country pavilion in addition to returning country and region pavilions from Greece, Italy, Korea, Pakistan, Spain, Taiwan and Turkey plus leading suppliers from Asia, Europe and the US.

A German Pavilion is also in development. The show features mid to high-end home textiles and related products alongside suppliers from China over 11 halls and covers 126,500 sqm of exhibition space.

“Now more than ever, Chinese consumers are shifting their focus to well-made home interiors, especially among the growing urban population,”said Ms Wendy Wen, Director, Trade Fairs for Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, organiser of the fair. She added:“It’s no wonder that our international halls are expanding as their products, craftsmanship and heritage are in great demand in China, making this platform the most prominent choice for international suppliers wishing to expand business in this largely untapped marketplace.”

More than half of China’s populations live in urban areas, increasing focus on higher quality of life

China’s GDP reached more than RMB 47 billion in 2011 and its economy is expected to increase by 7.5% in 2012. It is thought that more than half of China’s populations, equivalent to 690.79 million people, live in urban areas.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the average disposable income of urban residents increased by 14% in 2011. In the same period, China’s total retail sales of consumer goods reached over RMB 18 billion and surpassed Japan to be the second largest consumer market in the world. It is estimated that by 2015, the country’s global luxury sales will account for about 20% or RMB180 billion.

With growing awareness for a better quality of life, the demand for imported quality home textiles is also on the rise. The region’s imported home textiles products amounted to USD 0.16 billion in 2011, a 60% increase as compared with 2010. Among the top textile import countries are Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles–Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

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