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Textile production and sales weaker but within reasonable range

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-03-30 10:04:45  来源:chh 收藏

Production and sales conditions of China's textile industry are declining at present, but the decline is not very serious. Looking at the data of yarn exports, China exported 24,500 tons of cotton yarn in January and 28,800 tons in February this year, lower than 43,800 tons of average monthly exports in 2010 and 32,700 tons of average monthly exports in 2011.

But imports experienced surge, China's imports of cotton yarn reached 71,700 tons and 123,600 tons in January and February, while average monthly imports in 2010 and 2011 were 92,700 tons and 75,400 tons, respectively. Looking at these figures, cotton yarn imports of Chinese textile enterprises increased, while exports decreased this year, as competition between surrounding markets and the domestic enterprises is increasing.

From a production point of view, cotton yarn production registered 2.074 million tons and 2.369 million tons, respectively, in January and February, although less than 2.434 million tons of average monthly production in 2010 and 2.281 million tons of average monthly production in 2011, textile production generally trends lower in early time but higher in late time, and annual comparison maintains a moderate growth. At present import and export volume has a limited impact on the market.

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文章关键词: Textile production  Textile sales 

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