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Demo of Wefttronic & Nov-O-Matic2 at ITMA Asia+CITME

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-05 08:54:51  来源:KARL MAYER 收藏

Once again, KARL MAYER will be exhibiting at ITMA Asia + CITME as one of the main technical pioneers and economically successful manufacturers in the field of warp knitting machines and warp preparation machines.

ITMA Asia + CITME will take place in Shanghai, China from June 12-6.

The visitors to this innovative company’s large stand, B 10 in hall E 5, will be treated to a first-class machine show. Two high-speed warp knitting machines and two lace machines with new performance features in terms of efficiency and flexibility will impress them in particular. A Wefttronic with a new performance will also be demonstrating its capabilities for producing technical textiles. This raschel machine with parallel weft insertion has a working width of 213" and complements the widths of 268", 176“and 138" that have been available until now.

For the warp preparation sector, KARL MAYER will be showing its new fast, versatile Nov-O-Matic 2 with Isotens creel. This automatic sectional warping machine is setting new standards in quality and productivity for producing long production warps as well as for processing batches with short running lengths.

These high-tech solutions will be located on an impressive stand made from textiles, a concept that has already created quite a stir at ITMA 2011 in Barcelona. And in Shanghai as well, KARL MAYER’s stand, with its soft, pleasant lighting, will once again invite the visitors to rest for a while and also act as a meeting point for the sector.

While the exhibition is taking place, KARL MAYER will also be holding its own in-house show at KARL MAYER (China) Ltd., Changzhou City, in the district of Wujin. The TM 4-T EL for producing terry goods will be on show here.

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文章关键词: Demo of Wefttronic  Nov-O-Matic2  ITMA Asia  CITME 


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