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Preview in CHINA 2012 Held Together With CHIC 2012 on March 26 in Beijing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-06 10:22:21  来源:PRNewswire 收藏

Signaling the beginning of a Korean Wave in fashion, 'Preview in CHINA 2012' is hosted by the Korea Federation of Textile Industries (KOFOTI; Chairman Ro Hee-chan) at the New China International Exhibition Center in Beijing, China from Monday, March 26 through Thursday, March 29. It's held together with the China International Clothing & Accessories Fair (CHIC).

Based on the theme 'Unique Korea', the exhibition sees participation by 76 renowned fashion companies in Korea in 200 booths. In addition to participation by companies that took part in the exhibition last year, top national brands in Korea as well as well-established designer brands are participating in the exhibition for the first time to showcase Korean fashion, which goes beyond Asia and is becoming a global trend.

The plan is to demonstrate the global competitiveness of Korean culture by featuring the unique ideas and skills of Korean fashion companies. The exhibition will feature a diverse variety of fashion products that reflect Korea's uniqueness in the modern lifestyle, ranging from office wear to party wear, leisure and sportswear, as well as eco-friendly wear and street fashion.

This year's exhibition has further gained competitiveness, thanks to participation by brands that are setting fashion trends in Korea. In addition to the exhibition, there is the Brand Fashion Show, designed to publicize the participating brands and generate synergy effects for business. It is held as a gala show on the second floor of the Crowne Plaza International Airport Hotel Beijing on Tuesday, March 27. The fashion show is held four times.

Also planned is the Korea-China Business Exchange between participating companies and local buyers in China. It's held in the afternoon on March 27 and joined in by around 200 officials. It's at a large banquet hall of the Lijingwan Hotel in Beijing, and presents opportunities to expand business networks and engage in business talks.

Before the Korea-China Business Exchange, a seminar is held on the theme, 'Trends in the Korean fashion market'. The products of participating companies are analyzed and information is shared on recent trends in the Korean fashion market.

During the exhibition period, around 16 Chinese media outlets are invited to take part in the One-on-One Interview between Participating Companies and Local Chinese Media, including Guangxi Satellite TV, China Textile News, and Fashion Beijing. This event serve as an opportunity to publicize the excellence of the Korean textile and fashion industry as well as Korea's fashion clothing brands.

"This year's exhibition is participated in by the greatest number of companies that have the ability to combine what is uniquely Korean and what is global. I expect this exhibition to result in the launch of a Korean Wave in fashion that extends its reach from Asia to the entire world, following the footsteps of Korean TV dramas and K-POP," said KOFOTI Vice Chairman Dong-soo Kim.

KOFOTI has been holding Preview in CHINA in Beijing since 2010 in tandem with increased demand in the textile industry to expand distribution networks in China and to advance into areas throughout China, including the northern region. It's thus supporting fashion brands in Korea in conducting marketing activities aimed at making inroads into the Chinese market.

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