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Fashion design students flaunt their best at China Fashion Week

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-06 10:44:49  来源:CTEI 收藏

Atlanta fashionistas and fashion design students, Chinese fashion school students got their chance to play among professional designers as they showed their fearless attempts at fashion design for Mercedes Benz China Fashion Week on April 1, 2012 in Beijing, China.

Attendees to this inspired fashion show from art school students in China were treated to everything from harem pants and yoga postures from students modeling to creative and colorful knit garments in amorphous forms.

Showing today were Art School Northeast Dianli University graduates who showed everything from little black cocktail dresses donned by men to silver painted LBD’s (little black dress) as well as yoga gear, while Art School China Academy of Art showed various knitted garments like deep sea creatures in shades or coral and jade to trendy little Capri pants with what appeared to be scales on an orange fish like a snapper.

Graduates students at Arts & Design Tsinghua University were impressive as well as they presented very complex designs worthy of any haute couture house, including the avant-garde red ensemble with short shorts, a grid textured high collar top and flowing jacket.

The same grid textured material is also offered in a black ensemble with a red and black chiffon train that shrouds the model in high drama, matching her slash of crimson lipstick, while her face is covered up mysteriously in a black lace piece much like a hood on a gaming hawk.  True performance art meets fashion.

Other designs by Tsinghua were reminiscent of Kendo uniforms, rendered in shades of red and white, paired stylishly with chunky platform shoes.

College of Garment Wuhan Textile University graduates too were a force to be reckoned with as they presented their designs, including the most unusual designed that featured infants plastered to the front and back! 

Then there was the orange, yellow and red wafer dress with the spotted pockets – that’ll get you noticed!

There was one piece from the School Of Fashion Dalian Polytechnic University Graduates Show that was truly impressive – the autumnal hued knitted dress in a zigzag motif, much like Missoni designs, which yours truly is a huge fan of!

If there’s one thing that these Mercedes Benz fashion weeks do is create a wonderful worldwide community where designers can share their work with other designers and fashionistas around the world to make us marvel as well as inspire us in our own creations!

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文章关键词: Fashion design  China Fashion Week 


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