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INVISTA to extend new nylon salt production in Rozenburg

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-10 08:33:58  来源:Invista 收藏

Invista is investing in a new, nylon salt production facility at its manufacturing plant in Rozenburg. Construction of the facility began this year, and Invista plans to commence salt production by the end of 2012.

The new plant will enhance Invista’s vertically integrated position in the marketplace as a valuable addition to the already-integrated nylon facilities owned by Invista around the globe.

“This investment reflects Invista’s ongoing commitment to the European polyamide 66 market, the fibers segment, and Invista’s growth in the engineering polymers segment,”said Kurt Burmeister, executive vice president, Invista Engineering Polymers.

Invista’s Rozenburg plant currently produces nylon polymer for use in fibers and plastics applications, as well as TORZEN engineering polymers for automotive, electronic, electrical, industrial and consumer applications.

Nylon salt is made from adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine, products Invista produces at its other global facilities. When polymerized, nylon salt becomes nylon polymer, which can be found in applications such as airbags and car parts; residential and commercial carpets; functional activewear for hiking, cycling and running; and intimate apparel and hosiery.

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