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Hong Kong's clothing sales up 10.9 percent

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-10 08:38:16  来源:ccfgroup 收藏

Hong Kong's total retail sales rose 15.7 percent year-on-year to 33.8 billion Yuan in February, according to the data announced on March 29 by Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department. Total retail sales volume increased 10.1 percent, after discounting the effect of price changes.

The department said, improved income situation and vibrant inbound tourism should continue to provide support to retail business in the short term, but the downside risks of external environment, as well as the adverse impact possibly caused by local economy and consumer confidence should be closely observed.

In the first two months, total retail sales increased by 15.2 percent in value, while total retail sales rose 9.5 percent in volume. Sales volume of miscellaneous consumer goods rose 84.4 percent year on year; sales volume of furniture and fixtures fell 15.6 percent.

Sales of electrical goods and photographic equipment rose 51.1 percent, sales of clothing rose 10.9 percent, sales of commodities in department stores gained 7.7 percent, sales of miscellaneous consumer goods increased 7.2 percent, sales of goods in supermarkets rose 6.6 percent), sales of jewelry, watches and clocks and valuable gifts advanced 5.5 percent), fuels gained 3.4 percent, sales of automobiles and automotive parts increased 0.7 percent.

Value of total retail sales in January this year was revised to 43.2 billion Yuan, up 14.9 percent year on year; while volume of total retail sales rose 9.1 percent

In the three months of as the end of February this year, seasonally adjusted volume of retail sales increased 0.3 percent compared with the previous quarter.

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文章关键词: clothing sales  retail sales 


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