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RFID partnership for Chinese market

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-11 09:34:38  来源:Alien Technology 收藏

Alien Technology, an industry leader in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Ultra High Frequency (UHF) products and services, and Digital China, the largest integrated IT service provider in China, announced a strategic relationship for RFID sales, product offerings and solution delivery to customers in China.

Digital China provides customers with sophisticated application-based IT solutions, driving technological innovations for work and personal life while enhancing the digitalization process in China.

Digital China has a formidable local infrastructure with 50 offices, 16,000 staff and an organization that addresses 860 cities throughout China with its 19,000 channel/value-added channels. Digital China focuses on significant market players within their respective industries including China Development Bank, China Mobile, Sinopec and others.

The partnership provides the right to resell Alien's integrated circuits (ICs), inlays, readers, services and training to Digital China's new and existing customers/resellers through its extensive reach within the China market. Alien will become Digital China's preferred RFID partner and will be the first choice recommendation to Digital China's customers for all UHF RFID solutions.

"We believe Alien's worldwide UHF RFID reader and IC, inlay and tag leadership and Digital China's broad customer base and experience in China are strategically aligned to deliver industry leading RFID solutions," said by Xiang Li, General Manager of Digital China's Network Business Unit. "The combination of our respective strengths will deliver a strong value proposition for our combined customer base in a variety of markets, including anti-counterfeiting, supply chain, animal tracking, power meters, food safety, apparel, tobacco, alcohol, pharma and others."

"Digital China's extensive reach into the local market provides Alien unprecedented access into one of the world's most rapidly growing regions for RFID," said Mike Frieswyk, Alien Technology, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. "This strategic relationship is also expected to allow Digital China to deliver on their vision to digitize China, including the realization of the 'internet of things.'"

Founded in 1994, Alien Technology is a leading technology and product provider of UHF Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Integrated Circuits (IC), tags, readers and professional services. Alien Gen 2 products, along with software solutions from partners, help solve business problems for customers to improve productivity, processes, security and asset tracking for closed-loop and supply chain systems.

These solutions are implemented in industries such as consumer packaged goods, retail apparel, manufacturing, transportation, airports and cargo logistics, government and defense, and more. Alien's facilities include corporation headquarters in Morgan Hill, CA; the Alien RFID Solutions Center in the Dayton, OH region; and a sales office in Shanghai, China. Alien is a member of EPCglobal.

Digital China Holdings Limited is the largest integrated IT services provider in the Greater China area, spun off from the former Legend Group in 2000, and got listed on the Main Board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2001.

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文章关键词: RFID  Alien Technology  Digital China 


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