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Mode Shanghai attracts high quality fashion retail buyers

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-13 09:29:02  来源:Mode Shanghai 收藏
Total 10,562 buyers, 26,862 times visit, primarily fashion retail buyers as well fashion media attended at MODE SHANGHAI 2012, held from 13 to 15 March at SNIEC (Shanghai New Int’l Expo Center) in Shanghai, China, which is an increase of 58% comparing to the previous edition, held in March 2011.

Majority of buyers came from shopping malls, department stores, distributors and select shops from Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang province such as Bailian Group, Pacific Dept. Store, Plaza 66 mall, Grand Gateway, Hangzhou Yintai, Hangzhou Shopping City, Wuxi Next Stage, Changzhou Shopping Center, Shinmay Square, Super Brand Mall, Time Square, Raffles City, 353 Square, Chanel One, Seven days, DBHK, IT, Joyce, etc.

Occupying a total space of 25,000sqm,up by 110% over last edition, total 292 participated brands, an increase of 37% over last edition, from 13 countries and regions such as Italy, France, UK, Japan, USA, Russia, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. were presented at Mode Shanghai 2012.

Shanghai Fashion Week: 2012 F/W Collection Shanghai Fashion Week was held conjointly with Mode Shanghai at the same venue in the same period amplifying the synergy. Total 8 fashion shows of international and domestic designers from Italy, France, Korea and China were held during 3 days.

“The Peach Girl” into Fashion by Mode Shanghai
To celebrate 80th anniversary of “The Peach Girl”, which had a tremendous success of film produced in Shanghai and officially released in 1932, the committee of Mode Shanghai 2012 officially presented the result of fashion collections created by the designers selected from Europe, Asia and China, and a number of official events had been hosted under the patronage of Vice-mayor of Shanghai Municipal Government, throughout tape-cutting ceremony of gallery, Award ceremony, and Fashion show of .

For this creative crossover works of illustrators, fabric manufacturers and fashion designers, some representative images of the film “The Peach Girl” had been re-created into Pop-art style, from which some luxurious trendy fabric was produced through digital printing technology. The designer’s group selected from Europe, Asia and China, created the fashion collections using their expertise, imagination, and talent in form of apparel, bag, and shoes.

Winners of The Peach Girl Award
- The most style award: Ms. Judy Hua (China)
- The most creative arts award: Ms. Helen Lee (China)
- The most popular award: Ms. Karel Mills (France)
- The most cultural values award: Mr. Yang Hee Deuk (Korea)
- Fashion brand pioneer award: Ms. Seo Hyun Seon (China)

Trend Forum 2012 S/S: “My French Wardrobe” by Muriel Piaser Fashion trend forum under the theme of “My French Wardrobe” directed by Ms. Muriel Piaser, Art Director of Mode Shanghai, presented at the space of 72sqm. Approximately 15 French brands and designers which are representing the French Touch was participated in trend forum and 15 silhouettes on the theme of elegance to the French from ready to wear to accessories were introduced.
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文章关键词: Mode Shanghai  fashion  retail buyer 


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