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COTTON USA School begins in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-16 10:16:08  来源:CTEI 收藏

More than 160 representatives from 88 cotton textile companies in China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia heard the latest U.S. cotton market information recently at the fourth COTTON USA Cotton School in Qingdao, China. This school is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the US cotton industry in terms of planting, production, classification, trade, contract sanctity and purchasing of raw cotton. It has been held in China once every two years since ’06.

Keynote speakers included the China Cotton Assoc. executive vice president who spoke about the current cotton supply and demand issue, as well as the reserve status in the domestic Chinese market. In addition, the director of the China Textile Economics Research Center offered an analysis of China’s textile industrial development and prospects.

NCC President/ CEO Mark Lange delivered a detailed presentation on current cotton industrial development trends in the US and global market, as well as U.S. cotton ginning practices. Representatives from the American Cotton Shippers Assoc., AMCOT, Cotton Incorporated, Supima, USDA, Hansae Korea, Thai Alliance and Zibo Lanyan also made presentations.

Some of the largest textile manufacturers from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam participated in this year’s Cotton School. On post-event questionnaires, all participants commented that the Cotton School program is informative, constructive and productive with practical value.

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