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Rieter to present all 4 Spinning Systems in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-17 09:12:52  来源:Rieter 收藏
On its exhibition stand at the ITMA Asia + CITME 2012 (June 12th - 16th, 2012), Rieter will be demonstrating its competence across the entire spinning process and presenting all 4 end spinning systems live on the stand (Hall W2, Booth No. A10).

For the upstream fiber and spinning plant preparation, Rieter now offers 1 000 mm cans throughout thereby ensuring higher efficiency and convenience in the spinning plant. Multimedia presentations will convey to visitors a striking impression of the advantages and features of the new Rieter E 80 combing flagship.

The know-how relating to financing, spinning mill planning, use of the right technological elements, selection of the correct spinning process as well as many other factors is necessary to achieve success in the operation of a spinning plant. Rieter is presenting all this expertise at the ITMA Asia + CITME 2012.

Numerous highlights and innovations can be admired live on the Rieter exhibition stand. Here a brief overview:

• Rieter provides the opportunity to see the new 1.5 m wide C 70 card with the biggest active carding area.
• The new E 80 comber with unrivaled quality and production levels will be introduced by Rieter with a multimedia presentation.
• The G 32 ring spinning machine (operational) produces ring and compact yarn – quality controlled by the ISM individual spindle sensor and the SPIDERweb mill monitoring system.
• Excellent rotor yarn with yarn-like piecers will be produced by the new fully-automatic R 60 rotor spinning machine (operational).
• The new double-sided J 20 air-jet spinning machine (operational) will be introduced for the first time to the Asian market.
• What the benefits and characteristics of the 4 spinning systems mean for downstream processing can be experienced by visitors in the Technology Corner. Here end products and fabric samples of the 4 Rieter yarns are available.
• The latest retrofits and high-quality original spare parts will be presented by Rieter’s spare parts experts.

The Exhibits:
C 70 Card, E 80 Comber, 1 000 m Cans from the Card to the Comber, G 32 Ring Spinnning Machine, R 60 Rotor Spinning Machine, J 20 Air-Jet Spinning Machine, Technology Corner, Spare Parts and Retrofits

Rieter develops and manufactures machinery, systems and components for producing yarns from natural and manmade fibers and their blends. As a leading manufacturer, Rieter covers the entire spinning process and can therefore develop optimal solutions for customers.
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