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2012 Nanjing International Consumer Goods Expo in September

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-20 13:40:12  来源:CTEI 收藏

The 2012 Nanjing International Consumer Goods Expo will be held this fall at the Nanjing International Exhibition Center on September 27-30. The Expo is sponsored by China’s Chamber of International Commerce, the Nanjing Municipal People’s Government, China’s Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles, China’s Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce, and China’s Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products. Exhibiting at the Expo provides an opportunity for suppliers of specific consumer goods to enter the lucrative Chinese market in collaboration with Chinese partners.

China has a huge consumer market and a growing domestic demand for imported premium products. The Expo will draw on China’s internal import-export resources to attract a multitude of international quality goods to China to meet the growing domestic demand for high-end and fashionable consumer goods. At the Expo, China plans to offer a platform for quality overseas businesses to carry out joint exploration of the domestic market and possible production cooperation.

The Expo hopes to attract exhibitors of the following products: brand apparel and accessories, textiles, foodstuffs and wines, sports and leisure products, health products, consumer electronics, furniture, home decorations and furnishings, jewelry and gifts, cosmetics and beauty.

Due to China’s current economic policy to stimulate domestic consumption, the Expo has strong support from the Chinese government. The dynamic consumer market in China and growing domestic demand for foreign high-quality brands and products make the Expo convenient and timely for all concerned. The Expo aims to attract more imported mid to high end consumer goods to satisfy the booming local demand, and to create a platform for domestic and foreign companies to explore the domestic market and collaborate in production. The Expo hopes to attract 20,000 visitors including foreign brands agents, distributors, wholesalers, department stores and specialty stores.

In 2011, the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of Jiangsu Province reached a new high of RMB Yuan 60,000 (about $9,545). The total retail sales of consumer goods of Jiangsu has been growing steadily and reached RMB Yuan 1.58 trillion (about $250 billion) in 2011, up by 17.5 percent over the previous year. The large population of over 300 million in Jiangsu and its neighboring provinces and cities in eastern China, including Zhejiang, Shandong provinces and Shanghai, are a huge potential consumer resource. This area is one of the most dynamic economic areas in China where people have the highest living standards and purchasing power in China. Entering this lucrative market offers a great opportunity for international brands in China.

The Expo will also offer many different activities, including forums and seminars on themes such as How to Enter China’s Domestic Market, China’s Online Shopping Market, and Opportunities in Investing in China’s Consumer Market. The speakers will include government officials, elite entrepreneurs and industry leaders. Attendees will also be welcome to address participants in the forums. An Overseas Agent Area will be set up to offer services such as consultation, match-making, and marketing planning for international brands and Chinese agents. The Expo takes the intellectual property rights issue seriously. It will set up a Brand Registration Area to provide information on legal issues regarding trade mark registration and IPR in China.

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