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LSB launches new reheat PET resin

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-23 09:11:15  来源:PLASTIC TODAY 收藏
Artenius, the PET and recycling division of Spain-based La Seda de Barcelona, has developed a new "fast-reheat" PET packaging material-Artenius FastFlow+.

The company says Artenius FastFlow+ captures heat energy in the blowing process and can save up to 20% of energy usage in production, which allows for a higher production output of bottles per hour.

Artenius FastFlow+ offers wider injection stretch blowmolding (ISBM) and stretch blowmolding (SBM) windows, according to Artenius. It also offers the ability to blow thinner walled preforms into more complex bottle shapes that otherwise would not be possible. Its viscosity level is especially suited for light-weighting initiatives, the company said.

The resin is said to have enhanced reheat absorption, even at ultra-high speed stretch blowmolding. The new formulation includes a new additive for absorbing Near Infra-Red (NIR) radiation, to heat up the polymer allowing less energy consumption when blowing the preform into bottle.

"The faster absorption of heat inside the preform results in a more efficient blowing process," the company stated. "Even in older blow molding machines, which can be heat input limited, Artenius FastFlow+ provides the opportunity to optimize throughput rates."

The company also touted the materials color, and stated it has "excellent clarity and ultra-low haze."

The additive used in the manufacture of the reheat resin is suitable for plastic packaging intended to come into contact with foodstuffs, and is approved by the FDA and EFSA.
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文章关键词: LSB  PET resin 


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