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Roberto Cavalli to open first China store in Beijing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-23 10:00:41  来源:Roberto Cavalli 收藏
Roberto Cavalli is pleased to announce the opening of the brand’s first China store in Beijing. The shop is located in the prestigious arcade of the Peninsula Hotel, an historical location for the luxury brands in China.

It will be a duplex store of approximately 300 square meters, which will be open in two stages: phase one on April 18th this year and phase two early 2013.

It is foreseen that at the beginning of 2013, when finally the two levels will be connected, Mr. Roberto Cavalli will travel to Beijing to celebrate with a big event the opening of this important location.

The first phase on the basement floor have a surface area of 140 square meters. It embodies the modern elegance and glamour of the Cavalli world, representing the Maison’s innovative “global fashion store” concept, already featured in other Cavalli stores located in other major cities of the world like London, Paris, Tokyo and New York. The boutique has been created using the finest materials, many of which are produced in Italy exclusively for Roberto Cavalli.

The Beijing store hosts the women’s and men’s prêt-à-porter collections, as well as the accessories, eyewear, perfumes, time-wearand kidswear collections. The layout of the space has been specifically designed in such a way to emphasize the various product categories present in the store.

When early next year the two levels of the shop will be finally connected, the ground floor will be dedicated to womenswear while the basement floor will be dedicated to Menswear, and will also feature a special VIP room, complete with unique evening dresses.

The Peninsula store as the first one opened by Roberto Cavalli in Mainland China, represents an important milestone for the Maison and it will mark the beginning of a significant expansion in the Asia Pacific Region.

“Beijing is becoming one of the most vibrant and glamorous capital in the world. It was time to open a Roberto Cavalli boutique to give the possibility to my many Chinese fans to discover my world in its entirety. For years, the most beautiful movie actresses of this country have loved wearing my collections on the international red carpet ... Now my fashion and my style will be accessible to all. The femininity and beauty of Asian women has always inspired me ...” - Roberto Cavalli

2010 marked the 40 year anniversary of Roberto Cavalli as a brand, with stores now open in 26 countries around the world.
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文章关键词: Roberto Cavalli  first China store 


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