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International Apparel Federation opens office in Hong Kong

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-25 09:04:44  来源:International Apparel Federation 收藏

Due to the growing number of members in Asia, the International Apparel Federation (IAF) has opened an office in Hong Kong. A redesign of the website has also been launched.

The international expansion of the IAF and growth of Asian members has naturally paved the way to open an IAF office in Asia. IAF Chief Asia Representative, Mr. Francis Yuk, is the primary contact person in this office. Website at the IAF Spring Meetings, held yesterday in Atlanta (USA), the new IAF website was launched.

This interactive website was designed keeping the latest technology in mind and enables visitors to view the website on laptops and desktops, but also on tablets and smartphones due to the responsive design for all screen resolution sizes. The fresh design–with a focus on images and industry-related information–directly links to IAF’s social media network. IAF members are invited to login to the Members’Area where a great deal of content specifically selected for members can be read and downloaded.

With some 30 people from 11 countries attending the IAF Spring Meetings in Atlanta, IAF Secretary General Han Bekke said the success is due to "...good discussions we had and the approval of the many initiatives we are taking to increase the value added for our membership".

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