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Interfiliere Shanghai to feature high-end lingerie trends

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-25 09:19:29  来源:Interfiliere Shanghai 收藏

Eurovet, the global leader in Lingerie, Swimwear and Textile Trade Shows, proudly announces the 8th Annual Session of Interfiliere Shanghai on October 22nd and 23rd, 2012, at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. With the freshly renovated West Wing exhibit hall as its spacious, new venue, the show will comfortably welcome more than 250 exhibitors.

Interfiliere Shanghai will emulate its sister show in Paris with seven product based sectors, from fabrics to textile machinery, in one key location. This will now include the thriving OEM sector (previously located in the Central Hall), so as to offer a truly complete range of sourcing.

For international, Interfiliere Shanghai, running concurrently with Brands Show Shanghai Mode Lingerie, is the only place to make top-level business connections, offering excellent opportunities for sourcing.

In 2012, Eurovet launches Lingerie Design Week in Shanghai: A World- Class Happening, showcasing the Best of All Things Lingerie, from High-Tech Fibers through to Luxurious Loungewear, with special feature events such as Brand Fashion Shows, a Gala Night in an exceptional designer venue, a Lingerie retail study tour, and The Art of French Lingerie Exhibition, which will take place in upscale shopping malls throughout Shanghai. From industry experts to local consumers, all eyes in Shanghai will be on the unique universe of lingerie.

Interfiliere Shanghai is the Source of Inspiration: from Winter 2013 to Summer 2014, the future of lingerie will be revealed, at the legendary textile Trends Forum, at Les Exclusives a high-end textile trend zone for selected buyers–and through the worldwide premiere of Summer 2014 trends in the EVOLUTION 20 guide.

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