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HKRITA showcases finishing technologies at Interstoff

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-25 09:53:42  来源:The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA) 收藏

The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA) displayed a number of finishing technologies which provide design and production solutions in the New Technology Zone of Interstoff Asia Essential–Spring from 14 to 16 March 2012.

Sputtering technology produces shiny metallic fabrics with a soft and delicate hand-feel, with no polluted water or materials discharged during production. Novel electrolytic ozone spray technology for vintage denim provides an effective and easy way to create decolourisation patterns by directly spraying ozone on denim wear. Foam dyeing technology also creates a vintage wash-out effect on a different product, cotton knitted wear, by applying dyestuffs distributed through the foam system. All these technologies are environmental-friendly so as to foster sustainable production.

Besides, there were also samples made by the shape memory materials finishing technology, the nu-torque cotton yarn production technology, and novel design and evaluation technologies for the production of high-performance running and cycling wear, which were all showcased in the booth.

Apart from these sample displays, HKRITA’s representatives also took every opportunity to introduce the basic concepts and benefits of the technologies to the visitors through presentations in the fair ground.

Interstoff Asia Essential covered a wide range of products from fashion, eco and technical textiles to accessories, yarns and fibres. Persons of different positions in the industry visited the exhibition. Beside the industry counterparts from the management level, there were also a substantial number of practitioners from the front line.

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