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Top international lingerie brands gathered in Beijing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-25 09:58:31  来源:Eurovet 收藏

On March 27th, 2012, international and domestic top lingerie brands were brought together by Eurovet & The French Knitwear Federation at the Grand Hotel Beijing to attend the Grand Opening Press Conference of Shanghai Mode Lingerie 2012, along with the Announcement of the High-end French Lingerie Exhibition “The Art of French Lingerie”, and the So Paris Lingerie Showcase of 7 French brands: Allumette, Aubade, Barbara, Chantelle, Chantal Thomass, Elise Anderegg, Le Chat, who presented 35 exclusive collections full of elegance and romance.

- Aubade: the art of loving
- Chantelle: perfect fit and elegance
- Le Chat: Softness and luxury
- Allumette: colorful and playful
- Barbara: dedicated to well-being
- Elise Anderegg: so “haute couture"
- Chantal Thomass: the ultimate lingerie designer

More than 100 renowned trade and general media journalists as well as industry key players got together to enjoy the lingerie fashion showcase.

Ms. Anne-Laure LINGET, representative of Lingerie Française, opened the meeting by presenting the chic, free-spirited, Parisian elegance and that inexplicable French Touch that continues to turn heads throughout the world with a random gesture, an attitude, a glance, a so French “je ne sais quoi” … Lingerie Française, founded in 1950, is an association whose objective is to promote the savoir-faire of French brands, both within France and internationally.

Their quest is to combine tradition and modernity, craftsmanship and creativity, history and innovation. Her priorities for the next year will be the organization of the “Lingerie” exhibition. The exhibition will run during 2012 in 4 different cities: London, Paris, Dubaï, and Shanghai.

It will take a look back over a century of French Lingerie brands’ history, beginning with the first corsets in stretch fabrics created at the end of 19th century, to the flattering bras and split slip dresses of the 1920’s, the first satin and Lycra bras of the 1950’s, the black lace and «no-lace» bras, and ending with the molded bras and shapewear of the 21st century.

The main objective of this exhibition is to have a look behind the scenes of lingerie creation and history as well as to emphasize the latest fabric innovations which continue to play a key role, taking a back seat to the talented hands of designers.

Ms Marie-Laure Bellon, CEO of Eurovet and a legendary figure in the lingerie industry, elaborated on the new infusion of energy that Shanghai Mode Lingerie 2012 will bring to global brands and key industry players.

Eurovet is the leading Lingerie and Swimwear Trade Show Company, organizing events for both fabrics and for lingerie brands: 2013 will see a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Salon International de la Lingerie and the 30th anniversary of Mode City: Market Intelligence, Trend Expertise and the Fostering of High-Level Business Networking are the fundamental valuesespoused by the company.

Shanghai Mode Lingerie is the international business and fashion platform for Lingerie and Swimwear brands and retail. With an international Fashion show twice a day, a complete seminar and workshop program, trend experts and major international exhibitors, the Show puts the spotlight on the image of exhibitors and brands, through outstanding media coverage.

In 2012, Eurovet creates Lingerie Design Week to promote brands, with their own Fashion shows, a Gala Night in an exceptional designer venue, a Lingerie retail study tour, the 8th annual “Interfilière Shanghai” intimate apparel fabrics and accessories trade show, and “The Art of French Lingerie” exhibition, which will take place in dazzling Shanghai shopping malls.

Leading Shanghai brand Gujin and young Shenzhen loungewear and homewear designer Queend’s have already chosen Shanghai Mode Lingerie to launch their new collections and fashion shows. George Zhou, founder of Queen’d, defines their brand positioning: “At home, to be queen, to be relaxed and confident. To comprehensively construct the ‘new life at home” Sun Wei—manager of Aimer Group- gave a talk expressing their view that, by branding the overall international lingerie concept and image through their new shops, Be Chic, Aimer emphasizes their values and mission of “creating beauty and transmitting love” to every customer.

Ms Marie-Laure Bellon concluded by stating that Eurovet and the French Knitwear Federation worked together to create the leading international Lingerie and Swimwear events in Paris. She offered her commitment and her experience to Chinese brands, retail, press and industry, so as to build a new international showcase for Lingerie and Swimwear together, in China.

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文章关键词: lingerie brands  Beijing 


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