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VSF prices rise & VFY turns soft in previous week

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-27 09:39:10  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
In the last week, price of Cotton Linter remained stable at RMB 4200/ton. In the last update from market, price was in the range of RMB 3770/ton to RMB 3870/ton. Buying sentiment remained moderate, whereas trading offers were in between RMB 3760/ton to RMB 3860/ton.

Price of dissolving pulp increased in the week. In Chinese domestic market, price rose in the range of RMB 8500/ton to RMB 8600/ton.

In imported Dissolving Wood Pulp market, recent activity was thin. Offers from suppliers were at US$ 1050/ton to US$ 1100/ton. Buyers did try to pull down price towards US$ 1000/ton. Pulp Imported from Canada was at US$ 1100/ton, while from Indonesia it was at US$ 1400/ton. Pulp imported from Brazil was at US$ 1500/ton while from Russia, it was at US$ 1050/ton.

During the previous week, price of VSF had increased to RMB 16200/ton. Earlier price opened at RMB 15900/ton, but with support of demand fundamentals, trading price went up to RMB 16200/ton.

In Chinese market, offers for imported VSF hovered in the range of US$ 2.15/kg to US$ 2.20/kg. Market experts believe that price should be range bound around US$ 2.12/kg in near future.

VFY market remained stable-to-soft and went down slightly during the reporting week. VFY prices were assessed at RMB 45000/ton, which earlier opened at RMB 45150/ton with firm market fundamentals. The market was moderate amid weak trading sentiments.

In the Chinese market, offers for imported VFY hovered in the range of US$ 6500/ton to US$ 6600/ton but counter offers touched the level of US$ 6250/ton but no deals concluded at such low levels.
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文章关键词: VSF price  VFY price 


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