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Eurovet infuses new energy into Shanghai Mode Lingerie

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-27 09:46:24  来源:Eurovet 收藏
In Beijing, on March 27th, 2012, Eurovet officially launched the next session of Shanghai Mode Lingerie, which will take place on October 22nd and 23rd, 2012 at Shanghai Exhibition Center. For its 8th year in Asia, Eurovet infuses new energy into Shanghai Mode Lingerie, delivering unparalleled opportunities for exhibitors to showcase their brands: exhibit space will be trebled in the Central Hall for lingerie and swimwear brands, and, for the first time, exhibitors will be able to create their own customized fashion shows!

Shanghai Mode Lingerie 2012 extends its reach in Asia: From a new image for the show, the vision of a photographer’s artistic eye…to big events, both inside the show and all around the city…

Events and Excitement: Shanghai Mode Lingerie offers a global business and fashion showcase for Lingerie and Swimwear brands and retailers, with an international fashion show twice a day, a complete seminar and workshop program, Expert trend displays and the participation of International Pavilions. The extensive media coverage that surrounds Shanghai Mode Lingerie also shines a bright spotlight on the image of exhibiting Brands.

Launches in 2012: Brands now know that Shanghai Mode Lingerie is the place to make a splash in the glamorous world of lingerie!

NEW: This year, leading Shanghai brand Gujin and the young Shenzhen loungewear and homewear designer Queend’s have chosen Shanghai Mode Lingerie to launch their New Collections and to present their latest Fashion Shows.

Eurovet breaks new ground yet again with the debut of Lingerie Design Week, a full schedule of events all around Shanghai designed to create excitement about lingerie brands, with brand fashion shows, a gala night in an exceptional luxury venue, a lingerie retail study tour, “The Art of French Lingerie” exhibit in dazzling shopping malls around the city…and don’t forget Shanghai Mode Lingerie’s sister event, the 8th annual Interfilière Shanghai Intimate apparel textiles and accessories show!

After Paris, New York, and Las Vegas, the international world of lingerie will meet in Shanghai on October 22-23, 2012.
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文章关键词: Eurovet  new energy  Shanghai Mode Lingerie 


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