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Brazil Imposes MDI Anti-Dumping Duties for China and US

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-04-28 10:58:22  来源:ccfgroup 收藏
At a meeting held in Brasilia, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex), chaired by the Ministry of Development , Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), decided to apply anti-dumping duty on imported Crude MDI originating in China and the United States. The measure will take effect from publication in the Official Gazette (DOU), which must be done in the coming days. The product is classified under item 3909.30.20 of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM). The law, which is valid for up to six months, will be collected by means of specific fixed rates. Surchages of different grades are as follows.

  Producer/Exporter In Provisional Antidumping Law
Region (Unit: USD/ton)
  Basf Corporation S.A. 662.63
  The Dow Chemical Company 728.98
  Huntsman International LLC 109.95
US Carboline Company, Chemtura Corporation,Cytec Industries Incorporation, Reichhold Inc.e 644.28
  Sigma-Aldrich Logistik Gmbh
  Others 1,046.11
  Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes CO. Ltd.  
  Bayer Polyurethanes (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.,  
  Beijing Keju Chemical Material Co. Ltd., 655.74? 
China Nanjing Hongbaoli Co., Ltd.,  
  Ningbo Wanhua Polyurethane Co. Ltd.,  
  Nippon Polyurethane (Ruian) Co. Ltd.,  
  Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanate Co. Ltd. (SLIC)  
  Others 1,125.94

According to the application of trade defense measure, Crude MDI will be removed from the List of Exceptions to the Mercosur Common External Tariff (Letec). The MDI was included in the list by CAMEX Resolution No.07/2011, with an increase in import duty from 14% to 20% (maximum consolidated in the World Organization). This decision puts it to the original rate of 14%.
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文章关键词: MDI  Anti-Dumping Duty 


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