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Marimekko opens first store in Hong Kong

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-04 09:31:20  来源:Marimekko 收藏
Marimekko enters the Chinese market and celebrates the opening of the first Marimekko store in Hong Kong.

In January 2012, Marimekko announced the signing of a significant partnership contract with Hong Kong-based Sidefame Ltd. The first step in entering the Chinese market is taken today when a Marimekko store opens its doors in Hong Kong.

The store is located in Causeway Bay on a block that enjoys growing popularity among interesting fashion, interior design and lifestyle brands. With a unique character and high windows façade the store showcases the whole world of Marimekko at its best, and the vision is that it will become an iconic landmark for the area.

“The Chinese market clearly has room for new and attractive brands, and the first Marimekko store in Hong Kong plays an important role in building up our recognition and brand image. The next store will be opened in Shanghai as soon as suitable store premises are found, and the intention is to open 13 more Marimekko stores in China by the end of 2016.

“We have a common vision with Sidefame on how to build the brand and expand the store network systematically on a firm basis and without rushing. It will take years to achieve the position we’re aiming for, and results should not be expected too early.

“However, we have had excellent experience with a similar business model in Japan and South Korea and I am convinced that this is exactly the right time for us to enter this enormous market,” says Marimekko’s President and CEO Mika Ihamuotila.

“We are very happy about this first Marimekko store opening in Hong Kong today. Marimekko is much more than a brand; it’s about inspirational and quality lifestyle offering joyfulness and timeless designs.

“With its beautiful prints and vibrant colours it gives our customers an injection of positivity to their everyday lives. We believe it will be enjoyed by many and we look forward to building together a strong presence for Marimekko in China,” says Sidefame’s Managing Director Anthony Keung.

Sidefame specialises in retailing a range of fashion and lifestyle brands, and it is part of the Fenix Group. It currently operates around 80 stores in China and Hong Kong for different brands, such as Furla, 45R, Anteprima and Atsuro Tayama. Sidefame was also the first to bring Italian fashion brand Prada to Hong Kong.
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