Second fortnight of April sees weakness in ASF trends (Asia)
In the last fortnight of April, acrylic staple fibre (ASF) market followed a downward trend in the USD-based Asian market.
The decline in prices is attributed to weak demand from the downstream market.
It is expected that Acrylic staple fibre price will reduce further, amid weak market sentiment and poor support from the downstream market.
During the second-half of the fortnight, USD-based ASF Asian market too remained weak in line with sluggish feedstock demand and lack of support from downstream market.
The decline in prices is attributed to weak demand from the downstream market.
It is expected that Acrylic staple fibre price will reduce further, amid weak market sentiment and poor support from the downstream market.
During the second-half of the fortnight, USD-based ASF Asian market too remained weak in line with sluggish feedstock demand and lack of support from downstream market.
文章关键词: ASF Price acrylic staple fibre