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Sunvim was Included in the White List of First Domestic Sino-Japan Joint Management System (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-09 09:07:20  来源:CTEI 收藏

Sunvim was Included in the White List of First Domestic Sino-Japan Joint Management System

On March 28, China National Textile and Apparel Council published the white list of the first domestic Sino-Japan Joint Management System, and Sunvim Group was included in the list.

The Sino-Japan Joint White List Management System was established by China and Japan with the purpose of guaranteeing the product quality safety without increase the cost, managing the dying phase and penetrating the management in the whole textile supply chain. The management system is divided into two parts: one is the white list qualification and the other is the white list registration system. The former is intended for the dying enterprise. If the enterprise is granted the white list qualification or the products are manufactured in the enterprise with the white list enterprise, the products will be recognized by Japanese importers in the system and will be exempted from the test of azo dyes; the latter carries out digital management of the textile supply chain, which covers the whole supply chain including Chinese dying enterprises, fabric and accessory enterprises, textile and garment enterprises, exporters, Japanese importers, fashion brand enterprises, distributors and retailers. It is reported that Japanese Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare has formally initiated the legislative procedures, and the self-discipline standards will soon be promoted to laws in Japan. Japanese importers and retailers focus great attention on the white list management system.

In recent years, Japan has become the largest export market of Sunvim Group, and the group has firmly dominated the market with the total towel export volume accounting for over 30% of China's total export volume to Japan. The award of the first domestic white list qualification will further consolidate the leading position in Japanese market, and play an important role in expanding the market share in Japan, further developing Japanese market and enhancing the brand influence of the enterprise.

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