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CCI to procure cotton in AP if prices slip below MSP (India)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-10 09:40:46  来源:Ministry of Textiles 收藏
Smt. Panabaaka Lakshmi, Minister of State for Textiles has informed that Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has been mandated to undertake Minimum Support Price (MSP) operations once the prices in the market touch MSP levels, which are Rs.3300 per quintal for long staple and Rs 2800 per quintal for medium staple.

During the current Cotton Season 2011-12, the prevailing prices have been ruling above MSP levels except in Andhra Pradesh where MSP operations have been undertaken by the CCI. District-wise MSP procurement has been, Adilabad 292 bales, Warangal 123 bales, Karimnagar 484 bales, Guntur 756 bales, Khammam 4453 bales and Nalgonda 1462 bales.

The procurement of cotton under commercial purchases during Cotton Season 2011-12 in Andhra Pradesh is 2.09 lac quintals at a average price of Rs.3949/quintal,

There have been no such requests from State/farming community to CCI.
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文章关键词: CCI  procure cotton  prices slip  below MSP  cotton price 


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