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Project report on nonwoven bags from technicaltextiles.net (Global)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-10 09:43:59  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

Technicaltextile.net has recently unveiled a project feasibility report on non woven bags. This project report contains technical and commercial aspects for existing and new entrepreneurs who are planning a foray into manufacturing of non woven fabric bags.

The various applications of non woven bags are portfolio bag used in advertisement, messenger bag, shopping bag, tote bag, carry bags for commercial & professional purposes, shoulder bag, grocery bags, fashion bags, wine bottle bags, etc.

On an average a person uses approximately 300 bags per year, therefore the current usage of bags is approximately 2 trillion. This means around 4 million bags are being used per minute across the world.

The current world population is around 7 billion and it is expected to reach 8 billion by 2030 and 9 billion respectively by 2050. This will also increase the usage of bags.

Maximum of the bags used currently are polyethylene plastic bags, which are non-bio-degradable in nature and need 300-450 years to degrade. Because of this environmental impact, many countries have initiated ban on plastic bags.

The non woven bags have already started substituting the plastic ones and have found acceptance and gained popularity among major retail stores and shopping malls.

More and more countries are gearing up to ban usage of plastic bags and the only viable alternative is going to be the non woven bag, since non woven bags are recyclable and are reusable.

It can safely forecast that, a non woven bag that comes under packaging textile of technical textiles would create a boom in the packaging industry.

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文章关键词: Project report  nonwoven bag  technicaltextilesnet 


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