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Italian high textile technology on display at ITMA – Asia (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-15 09:43:05  来源:ACIMIT 收藏
ITMA ASIA + CITME is the international textile machinery trade show which is held every two years in China. Again this year, the Italian contingent is one of the largest to attend. In fact, there will be 117 Italian textile machinery manufacturers from 12-16 June at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

The Italian products in Shanghai are characterised by the completeness of the range and by the maximum attention placed on the efficiency and sustainability of the technology presented. From spinning to weaving, from knitwear to finishing, visitors from allover Asia will be able to see the high technological level of Made in Italy.

"China is our top market in the world", stressed Sandro Salmoiraghi, ACIMIT President, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers. "In 2011, we sold ?50 million worth of textile machinery to Chinese companies (or 25% of our export business)".

Despite the difficult economic situation of recent years, the Chinese textile and clothing sector has continued to invest in Western technology and especially in Italian technology (with annual growth of 6% over the last 5 years, we are the third largest supplier to the Chinese market).

"The demand from Chinese companies is increasingly more sophisticated", Salmoiraghi continued. "In China, our customers need a qualitative upgrade in the machinery they use. Efficiency, cost reduction and environmental sustainability are issues which come up time and again in negotiations for machinery sales in China."
The ACIMIT "Sustainable Technologies" project, already presented at ITMA Barcelona
last September, moves in this direction. The green label, placed on the machinery made by companies participating in the project, represents an operation of transparency.

The label contains some fundamental information on efficiency and environmental sustainability (such as, for example, the machinery's carbon footprint). At the ACIMIT press conference, which will be held during the next ITMA ASIA + CITME, the Association will introduce a further development of the project, which is the certification of the green label.

"At a time when sustainability is often used solely for marketing purposes, ACIMIT, by certifying its green label, gives even more substance to a project in which over 30 Italian companies have already subscribed and are wholeheartedly participating".

So the appointment is at Shanghai to discover all the Italian textile machinery news in terms of efficiency and environmental sustainability.
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文章关键词: high textile technology  ITMA ASIA  CITME 


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