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Macart Textiles to show eco-SpinTwist at ITMA ASIA (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-18 09:17:22  来源:Macart Textiles (Machinery Ltd) 收藏
Macart Textiles (Machinery Ltd) will exhibit the eco-SpinTwist for HB acrylic yarn at ITMA ASIA event in China. The new eco-SpinTwist for the manufacture of two fold twisted High Bulk Acrylic industrial machine knitting yarns for sweaters, jumpers, hats, gloves, socks and blankets.

At ITMA ASIA, company shall be operating the machine spinning a 2/36 Nm yarn ready for onward processing of yarn bulking.

The same yarn will be shown on sales yarn package after bulking and a selection of garments manufactured on WHOLE GARMENT technology flat knitting machines.

Spin and twist on one machine from rovings with a typical 0.8g/m weight to produce two fold twisted yarns in the count range 2/14Nmm to 2/42Nm delivered onto a package for onward processing on the yarn bulking ( shrinking) machine.

The high production delivery speed is 230 metres per minute.

The main advantage for using the eco-SpinTwist is the savings for electricity consumption, workers, factory space and waste when compared with conventional ring spinning, winding and twisting.

The process route using the eco-SpinTwist is to spin, twist and wind a package suitable for onward processing on the yarn bulking machine.

A typical installation for the production of 300 Kg per hour of 2/30Nm HB Acrylic hosiery yarn uses the same roving preparation machinery and Yarn Bulking but the eco-SpinTwist is 1 operation compared to the 3 operations of ring spinning, winding and twisting.

The manufacture of the rovings used for feeding the eco-SpinTwist is on a conventional worsted spinning preparation. The production of one set of modern preparation is 300kg per hour for producing rovings of 0.8 g/ m packages or sliver for feeding the creel of the eco-SpinTwist.

To manufacture 2/30Nm HB acrylic hosiery yarn the spinning and twisting before yarn bulking (shrinking) the spinning and twisting is to produce 2/36Nm yarn to allow an approximate 20% shrinkage.

Calculations show that for the 300Kg per hour the machines required will be 110 eco-SpinTwist machines or the equivalent 6000 spindles of ring spinning followed by 120 spindles of winding and 1344 spindles of two for one twisting.

One eco-SpinTwist can produce 2.9Kg per hour of 2/36Nm.

One worker can operate 22 machines producing 64 kg per hour. For a production of 300 kg per hour 110 eco-SpinTwist machines are used with a total of 5 direct workers.

In comparison the conventional ring spinning, winding, twisting would require 10 direct workers.

The eco-SpinTwist utilises minimum electrical power. One machine working at 230m/min delivery speed consumes 1.7Kw per hour. 110 machines utilises 187 Kw per hour for the production of 300 Kg per hour of yarn.

In comparison the conventional ring spinning, winding, twisting would be approximately 450 Kw.

The eco-SpinTwist uses a very small amount of floor space for a large production.

110 machines operate in direct floor space of 660 square metres. In comparison the conventional ring spinning, winding, twisting would be approximately 1380 square metres of direct floor space.

Macart Textiles (Machinery) Ltd is a private limited company registered in the United Kingdom.
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文章关键词: Macart Textiles  eco-SpinTwist  ITMA ASIA 


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