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Fedustria to organise its debut pavilion at Intertextile (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-18 09:24:06  来源:Messe Frankfurt 收藏

This Autumn, from 28 – 30 August 2012, Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles 2012 will offer a vast range of products made by international suppliers at Halls W1 and W2 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

China’s increasing demand for imported and quality home living products has shifted the positioning of the Autumn fair, towards focusing on China’s home textile import market, resulting in a continuous growth of international participation. This year, newcomers from Australia, Belgium, France, India, Portugal and Thailand will take part in this China’s leading industry event.

For the first time, Fedustria vzw, a federation of Belgian textile, woodworking and furniture manufacturers who regularly participate at the world renowned Heimtextil trade fair, will organise its debut pavilion at Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition.

“The global market is becoming bigger and it’s no longer possible to reach the whole world by exhibiting in one single trade show,” said Mark Vervaeke, Division Manager for Fedustria vzw. He further added: “We are seeing a lot of potential in China and Asia Pacific’s fast growing economy, and we believe Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is the place to be.”

The pavilion will showcase upholstery and decorative fabrics from six companies including Annabel Textiles, Boelaert & Moens, Symphony Mills, Tavelmo / Movelta / Waesland, Ter Molst International and TissatDeslee Interior Fabrics.

For the same reason, Portugal-based manufacturer Toque Dourable will join the fair to promote their fashionable quilts, duvet covers, throws, curtains, pillowcase, tablecloths and pure new wool beddings made with distinctive details and high quality materials.

“We hope to find wholesalers for our products in China, which is a new market for us, and this fair is a chance to connect with potential clients from this region,” commented Joana Ribierio, a spokesperson for the company.

Finding the right local partners is equally as important for French home textile design house Antoinette et Freddy. “Last year, our agent in China joined this fair and received positive response from Chinese customers, “ said Antoinette Casol, President for Antoinette et Freddy, adding: “This time we decided to join on behalf of our company to establish direct business connections with home furnishing printers and designers from China.” At the fair, they will feature home textile designs patterned with hand painted prints.

For Thai Filament Textiles Co Ltd, constantly developing new and innovative products is vital in maintaining their competitive edge in the massive China market.

“We will feature our new collection of linen and silk look fancy curtains and upholstery fabrics to attract new customers at the show,” said Sunil Kher, a representative for the company, adding: “Many of our existing customers visit this fair, which is why we are participating plus we think it is beneficial for us to show our collections to wholesalers, converters and agents not just from China but also worldwide.”

Also new to the show is WLS (Aust) Pty Ltd, the sole distributor for Australian leading bedding brand Kelly & Windsor in China.

They will display high quality wool quilts, alpaca quilts, blankets, pillows and baby beddings suitable for the mass consumer market in China. Leading home furnishing fabrics manufacturer, D Décor Exports from India will present a wide range of chenille and non-chenille flat woven jacquard and plains, linen and silk looking curtains, cut and uncut velvet jacquard and plains, as well as digitally printed curtains and beddings.

In addition, country and region pavilions from Greece, Italy, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan and Turkey plus more leading suppliers from Asia, Europe and the US will showcase mid to high-end home textiles and related products in the international halls W1 and W2.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition is organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA).

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文章关键词: Fedustria  debut pavilion  Intertextile  Home Textiles 


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