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New football kit from Nike helps HK players stay dry (Hong Kong)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-30 08:57:07  来源:Nike inc 收藏
Hong Kong’s new team kits are infused with the national football team’s signature qualities of fighting spirit, passion, solidarity and unity and marks a return to tradition with a classic, authentic design that shows the team’s determination in regaining local football’s past glory.

In line with Nike’s commitment to superior athletic performance and lower environmental impact, the fabric of the new kit’s shorts is made with 100% recycled polyester, while the fabric of the shirts is made with at least 96% recycled polyester. Each jersey is made using an average of 7 recycled plastic bottles.

The fabric is also up to 23% lighter than the version four years ago. Embedded with Nike Dri-FIT technology, the kits help to regulate players' temperatures on the pitch by removing sweat from the body to keep them dry and cool faster than ever before.

Laser-cut ventilation on the shirt promotes localised cooling where athletes need it most to remain focused on the game.

A new double knit structure and yarns also makes this kit 20% stronger, with no compromise to fit and feel and natural cotton added for comfort.

The inner back neck on the shirt is printed with the winning slogan “Ging Zau” in Chinese characters which is a colloquial Cantonese term signifying fighting spirit and unbeatable power. This slogan received the highest number of online votes at Nike’s “Our Inner Pride” Slogan Contest held last year in 2011.

Team logo is also re-designed for the new team kits. The shield pattern of the original logo is now colored as half-red and half-white, symbolizing Hong Kong’s unique “One Country, Two Systems” governing principle. The words surrounding the dragon logo are also replaced with “HKFA” instead of the Chinese name of the Hong Kong Football Association.
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