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Yantai Wanhua: MDI prices go upside recently (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-05-31 08:48:06  来源:PU Daily 收藏
China MDI sales volume in Q1 fell about 6%, Wanhua's sales volume, however, still grew, especially Pure MDI; this is mainly because of increasing demand for shoe soles, which arecheap and high cost-efficient due to declining Adipic Acid price. Demands from energy-saving construction, coal reinforcement, and door and window sealant also increase.

Wanhua has been running with nearly full loads this year, while the current restricted supply is a preparation for Ningbo equipment maintenance in June. After technological transformation completed in June, Ningbo's 600ktpa MDI facilities are expected to increase capacity by 300ktpa; and 300ktpa more capacity will be increased by the end of this year through improving distillation facility.

MDI prices in 2012 are expected to be basically flat with that in 2011. In Q2,MDI are in short supply and prices will go upside recently.

A recent survey feedback shows that PU panel demand grows rapidly. There are 100 to-be-built and being-built panel production lines, and each production line needs 1200 tons MDI each year, according to report. And more 10 thousand tons MDI will be consumed after all production lines complete. Wanhua Energy-saving Building Materials Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Wanhua Group, is expected to witness an explosive income growth this year.
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