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Chinese textile firms to attend Rio+20 Conference (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-06 09:02:41  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
Some of the leading private enterprises from China, including the Hong Kong-based textile company Esquel Group, will be participating in the China Going Green Dialogues, to be held as a part of the Rio+20 conference in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil this month.

Chinese NGOs working for protection of environment, the Shan Shui Conservation Centre, the Greenovation Hub and the SEE Foundation have together selected 21 private companies for participation at Rio+20 or the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development, being held 20 years after the first UN Conference on the subject was held in 1992.

The China Going Green Dialogues, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), consist of a series of events aimed at adoption of green and sustainable models.

At the UN Conference, representatives of the Chinese textile firms, along with other NGOs and private enterprises, will present their views about the present and future state of China in going green.

The events will present the innovative green practices that have been adopted during the 20 years of economic and social development in China.

The Going Green Dialogues are likely to achieve major breakthroughs in greenhouse gas quantification, clean manufacturing, eco-friendly technology and supply-chain management.

A growing number of Chinese firms will be looking at the Rio+20 to adopt appropriate methods to help China go green.

Incidentally, it will be the first global summit on sustainable development to be attended by Chinese private firms.
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