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Interspare's Krantz, Artos at ITMA + CITME in Shanghai (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-07 09:05:01  来源:Interspare 收藏

The German company Interspare will be present and providing information regarding the latest developments of their Krantz and Artos machinery at the upcoming ITMA Asia / CITME (Hall E2 Stand E36) from the 12th to the 16th of June in Shanghai.

Interspare will be present with their technical experts and their management team on the VDMA combined stand, Hall E2 Stand E36. Textile producers with Krantz, Artos and Stentex equipment can get to know directly which possibilities, Interspare can provide regarding these machines, as well as which optimisation possibilities there are for existing equipment, and when a possible order for new machines can be produced and delivered, all at the ITMA Asia / CITME in Shanghai.

At last year's ITMA in Barcelona, the enterprise successfully demonstrated, as announced, that they are now able to deliver the new equipment for their Krantz and Artos brands, which they acquired in 2007. Up until now, several Krantz K 30 stenter frames have been extended and also delivered as a completely new machine, for example, to customers in Romania and in Morocco. In addition, Artos Unistar has been sold to former Artos customers.

"Our production system is running and we're now in the position to be able to deliver a two-digit number of, for example, the Krantz K30 every year“, says Interspare managing director Mr. Dirk Polchow. "For us it was quite a step to becoming a textile machinery producer from initially being a worldwide active supplier of spare parts “, he added. "However, we also had good prerequisite settlements with our high-quality network of spare-part producers in Germany whose special quality we've known about for many years, as well as the know-how which we gained from former Babcock and Moenus employees“.

Now Interspare intends to promote itself in a "new way" to the Asian market at the ITMA Asia with the intention of persuading, above all, the old Krantz and Artos customers of the fact that they can continue to rely on these proven products. In addition to the Chinese market, other Asian markets such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Cambodia are also of great interest. The main focus in this direction is on the textile producers who already have Artos and Krantz in their production chains and who appreciate the advantages of these products, as well as having employees who are familiar with the handling of these machines. A fair cooperative venture is the goal, aimed at optimally satisfying the needs of the customer.

"What is all-important for our Krantz customers is, for example, the ability to reproduce the processes“, says Dirk Polchow. "The high temperature uniformity of the Krantz K30 offers an optimum pre-requisite for this.“ And Hartmut Büchner, commercial manager at Interspare, who is quite an old hand in the business, adds: "The K30 was introduced in 1999 at the ITMA in Paris as a Krantz innovation. Because stenter frames have developed a lot technologically over time, our low-maintenance, lubricant-free chain is still a product advantage, and the product remains state-of-the-art and can be compared with the very best stenters in the world.“

Interspare has made enormous developments over the last few years. The enterprise has recently established a new site and manufacturing premises in Reinbek in which the machinery is completely pre-mounted. The final assembly occurs directly with the customer. With the commissioning of the production plant in Reinbek, over 100 years of company history continues on, and the Krantz and Artos high-quality products continue to be produced in Germany.

Spare parts and service are also guaranteed by the Interspare core competence team as a parts supplier. In addition, the technical development of their products, for example, with regard to more energy efficiency, has already been initiated by the enterprise. All patents and workshop drawings also belong to the implemented assets deal, so that all developments are constructed on a solid base.

INTERSPARE was founded by Mr. Carsten Kalek and Mr. Dirk Polchow. The gentlemen lead the company ltd., wich was founded in 1994 in Hamburg, as managing partners. Since then INTERSPAREprovides spare parts textile machines, especially for textile finishing machines.

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文章关键词: Interspare  Krantz  Artos  ITMA  CITME 


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