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Jeanologia shows denim finishing technology in Shanghai (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-13 09:15:53  来源:Jeanologia 收藏

From 12 to 16 June Spanish company Jeanologia, highly specialized in garment finishing technologies, is attending with its latest technological evelopments the international textile machine exhibition ITMA ASIA.

Since long time Jeanologia has always been the pioneer of laser for the textile industry as well as additional sustainable solutions for the garment finishing and has consolidated its experience as global expert in 3e technology for denim/no denim finishing processes. 

Following this environmental footprint, the company designed its technologies based on principles of ecology, ethics and efficiency (3e), providing for faster production cycle and great savings of energy, water and chemicals without any increase of costs. 

After successfully exhibiting in several ITMA past editions, this year Jeanologia will show in Shanghai the latest improvements towards achieving greater sustainability and efficiency. 

 Shown at ITMA are G2 eco-technology together with Twin HS textile laser equipped with MD rotating mannequin and two laser resonators, a more powerful process enabling faster production by marking on both legs. 

Furthermore, Twin HS generates amazing savings per garment in production time, water and energy.

The introduction of laser in textile is preventing the use of such techniques highly dangerous for workers´ health and has reduced energy consumption and environmental pollution. Besides, this laser is able to reproduce complex wears and tears, reducing on production time and increasing on precision and reproducibility for a more authentic look. 

In addition to laser, Jeanologia will also present the G2 eco-technology. This finishing process machine is an ozone generator using electrical current to charge oxygen molucules in the incoming air and produce ozone for denim and shirts finishings. A guaranteed ultimate vintage look without water or chemicals, providing for 62% savings on Kw/h, 67% on water, 85% chemicals and improving production time of 85%. 

The environmental benefits attached to this new process are undoubtedly certain. Given the worldwide annual jeans production rounding 6 billions units, for each manufactured pair of jeans a total of 70 litres water, 1 kw/h and 150 grams chemicals are employed. We are talking about a yearly consumption of 420 million cubic meter water, 6 billions kw/h and 900.000 tons chemicals.

Jeanologia has a well established presence in China thanks to its Hong Kong based office, and tech customer service in HK, Shanghai and Canton providing for an excellent service hub in Asia.

In recent years, Jeanologia has become a world leader in developing technologies for denim industry. It currently has customers in 5 continents and export of their machines and services accounts for 90% of its turnover, internationalizing their products to 45 countries among which are: USA, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, India, China, Russia, Mexico, Japan, Morocco, Bangladesh and Colombia.

Leading brands like Levi's, Polo Jeans, Abercrombie & Fitch, Edwin Japan, Pepe Jeans, Diesel, Hilfiguer Denim, Salsa jeans, or large retailer such as GAP, Uniclo, Zara, among others, have placed their trust in the Spanish company using the techniques and technologies developed by it.

It is the joint action of the world's leading associations of the textile machinery industry in China, Europe and Japan that brings together textile machinery manufacturers, industry representatives and customers to improve the quality of textile machinery show.

In order to provide quality services for the manufacture of textile machinery, ITMA ASIA seeks to bring together companies manufacturing machinery and textile industry professionals from around the world to create a mutual exchange in a common business platform.

More than 1,200 exhibitors from 28 countries including China, Germany, Italy, Japan and Taiwan will meet in this edition of ITMA ASIA to be held in Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 12 to 16 June.

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文章关键词: Jeanologia  denim  finishing technology  ITMA ASIA 


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