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Datacolor to display Viewport at ITMA Asia 2012 (United States Of America)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-13 09:19:22  来源:Datacolor 收藏

Datacolor, a global leader in color management solutions, announced that it will showcase the Datacolor Viewport at ITMA Asia 012. Designed to meet the needs of product quality control professionals and color analysts, Viewport enables accurate imaging, remote visualization and color evaluation for a wide range of products under multiple lights.

Viewport is based on, patent-pending technology that now makes it possible to accurately and efficiently control color quality for fabric prints/patterns, heather, lace, denim, towels, wall coverings and a variety of multi-color products.

Viewport is particularly well-suited for the textile industry, where a large proportion of fabrics are still assessed visually. Datacolor Viewport will improve product quality and speed up the approval process for these materials that are currently evaluated visually.

By combining precisely calibrated imaging with a web-based image communication platform, Viewport offers the benefits of visual evaluation along with the objectivity of color-by-numbers.

“In the product supply chain, color has to be accurate, consistent, and produced on time,” said Eric Alho, product marketing manager at Datacolor. “Datacolor Viewport reduces the need for shipping physical samples. It enables the supplier and buyer to look at the same thing, which simplifies the approval process. Textile manufacturers and supply chain users, in particular, see strong benefits from deploying Viewport for color assessment.”

The Datacolor Viewport system features:

  • Color-calibrated image capture in multiple reference lights including daylight, incandescent and fluorescent
  • Software with cloud-based image exchange for remote visualization, approval and archiving of supplier samples
  • New colorimetric method for quantifying color differences in multi-color samples

In addition to featuring the new Datacolor Viewport, the company will also be showcasing its full product line of color management solutions to the garment and textile industry, as well as global retailers and brands at ITMA ASIA 2012.

Datacolor is a global leader in color management solutions and color communication technology. The world's leading brands, manufacturers, creative professionals and consumers have been choosing Datacolor's innovative technology and solutions to consistently achieve the right color for over 40 years.

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文章关键词: Datacolor  Viewport  ITMA Asia 


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