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USDA raises world 2012/13 cotton stocks to 74.5mn bales (Global)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-14 09:31:58  来源:United States Department of Agriculture 收藏

According to United States Department of Agriculture’s World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, this month’s U.S. cottn estimates for 2011/12 and 2012/13 show small revisions in trade, which leave 2012/13 ending stocks unchanged from last month.

The 2012/13 production estimate of 17.0 million bales also is unchanged, pending further information about planted area and weather developments. Exports for 2011/12 are raised by 200,000 bales, reflecting recent strong sales and shipments, while exports for 2012/13 are reduced by 200,000 bales, due to lower expected foreign import demand. Domestic mill use is unchanged.

The projected range for the 2012/13 season average price received by producers is 60 to 80 cents per pound, 5 cents below last month on each end. The world 2012/13 cotton projections include lower production, consumption, and trade relative to last month, with beginning and ending stocks projected slightly higher. World production is down 1.4 million bales, as the southern hemisphere producers of Brazil, Australia, and Argentina are expected to make further cuts in area in response to the recent sharp drop in cotton prices.

World consumption is reduced about 1.0 million bales, as decreases for China and Thailand are partially offset by an increase for India. With world prices falling, China’s reserve floor price will make it increasingly difficult for mills there to be competitive producers of yarn. China’s 2012/13 imports also are reduced due mainly to larger estimated beginning stocks, accounting for most of the almost 700,000-bale reduction in world trade. World ending stocks projected at a record 74.5 million bales are raised 1 percent from last month, with China expected to hold 42 percent of the total.

The most significant revisions to the world 2011/12 cotton estimates include an increase of nearly 1.8 million bales in China’s imports, reflecting the continued strong pace of deliveries, and corresponding increases in exports for India, Brazil, Australia, the United States, and Malaysia. India’s balance sheet also is revised to reflect recent indications of higher consumption; a residual has been added for each year beginning in 2006/07 to offset a deficit in stocks that would otherwise result from the available statistics for production, consumption, and trade.

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文章关键词: USDA  cotton stocks  2012/13 


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