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Kornit Digital demonstrates its commitment to Asian market (Asia)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-14 10:05:36  来源:Kornit Digital 收藏

Kornit Digital, the leading provider of industrial and commercial digital printing, superior pigmented ink and unique chemistr solutions for the textile industry, today announced plans to launch the Kornit Allegro printer for roll fabric at ITMA Asia 2012, Asia’s largest textile machinery exhibition. The one-step solution for digital pigment printing on textile will debut at ITMA Asia, in Shanghai, China, June 12-16 at booth E1-C22. Kornit Digital will also showcase its full portfolio of innovative and environmentally friendly technology solutions for the garment printing market.

Kornit Digital’s presence at ITMA Asia demonstrates its strong commitment to address the demands of business in Asia. The 12th Five-Year Technical Progress Outline for the textile industry in China has been officially introduced to position China as a strong player in the world’s textile industry by 2020. It includes large-scale implementation of clean production and the establishment of a low-carbon, green, cyclic economy system.

With it, China`s government is making manufacturers meet mandatory state government standards in energy saving and effluent reduction. Kornit Digital’s proven solutions will assist Chinese manufacturers in meeting these stringent standards.

"Kornit Digital`s total commitment to cutting-edge technology, customer support and advanced ink and chemistry solutions provide the framework to meet the challenges faced by the Asian market," said Eyal Manzoor, Kornit Digital’s general manager for Asia Pacific. "We are excited to participate at ITMA Asia this year and to showcase our superior technology that enables innovative solutions demanded by this market."

Asia is the world`s fastest growing market, with China as its largest economy and the second largest economy in the world. In response to this regional market growth, Kornit Digital now operates a full-service office and demonstration center in Hong Kong, with a dedicated support team to provide direct cutomer service in Asia Pacific.

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文章关键词: Kornit Digital  Asian market 


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