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Prada Opens a New Store in China (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-19 08:48:29  来源:China Textile Leader 收藏

Italian luxury goods retailer Prada SpA has opened a new store in China in the "MixC" mall located in an exclusive district of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province in China. Even this time the store design was carried out by the "fashion architect" Roberto Baciocchi, and once again the result of his work is spectacular. The facade has two heights: at the entrance reaches 14 meters while on the adjacent side reaches 30 meters!

The façade encloses a luxury store which covers a 1,100 square meters floor, divided in women and men department. The new Prada store in Hangzhou does not betray the hallmark of the fashion house: austere elegance and grace, choice of elegant materials, selected colors for walls and furnishings. Rosewood, velvet, crystal, black and white checkered marble floor, green fabric on the walls.

It is also reported that Prada plans to open 260 stores between 2011 and 2014 to tap rising demand from emerging markets such as Brazil and China, Bloomberg reported. The company will expand in Morocco, Istanbul, Beirut, Dubai, Qatar and Brazil and also expects to open a first store in Mumbai or New Delhi soon, CEO Patrizio Bertelli said. Prada is seeing increasing demand for its products despite the slowdown in China´s economic growth and a gloomy European economy; Chinese tourists are also driving economic growth in Europe, Bertelli added. Prada plans to add 12-15 stores in China this year and expects the Asia-Pacific region to contribute 40% of the company´s total sales in 2012 and 2013, up 5% from last year.

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