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The development direction of the textile machinery (China)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-19 09:13:48  来源:CTEI 收藏

“The textile machinery industry ‘12th Five-Year’ development guidance” proposed to focus on the development of eight high-end textile technology and equipment, to accelerate the R & D and industrialization of the 50 textile machinery products and technologies, to actively promote the 38 advanced and applicable products and technologies of textile machinery in the seven areas, namely “50 +38” project. These technologies represent the development trend of various sectors of the textile industries needs.

Spinning machinery

Spinning technology is developed to be of high-yield, high-speed technology, under the premise of quality assurance, to improve yields, reduce distribution units, save floor space; it’s also developed to be automated, continuous, to reduce employment, increase labor productivity. For energy saving technologies, the equipments have to meet the needs of cotton textile enterprises to reduce energy consumption and environmental costs, while reducing the process to reach the purpose of saving water, electricity and section steam.

Chemical fiber machinery

Chemical fiber industry, mainly to strengthen the integration of innovation, the development of advanced and applicable technologies with independent intellectual property rights, breaking the major technical equipment research and design of key projects, key equipment, technology, engineering R & D capabilities and project engineering capacity, enhance technical capability and level of service, focusing on the development and application of energy saving, efficient and environmentally friendly chemical fiber and its raw materials and equipments.

Focus to speed up the differential fiber, high-tech fiber and other core technologies, accessory equipments and key components of industrialization and technological development, strengthen the integration of technology software and equipment, and promote the development of high-tech fiber and its raw materials and other industries.

Nonwovens & Industrial machinery

During the “12th Five-Year” plan period, the proportion of consumption of clothing, textile and industrial textile end products of three categories will be adjusted from 51:29:20, which is the figure of “11th Five-Year” period, to 48:27:25, again that the industry should determine to accelerate industrial textile pace of development. Industrial equipment needs more efforts in high-stability research and development, domestic equipments are with low speed, stability and reliability issues are more prominent, these are problems to be solved in the future.

Dyeing and printing machinery

Dyeing and printing equipment and technology is increasingly developing to be environmental protection, energy saving, time-saving, efficient, short processes, and anhydrous processing technology, non-plate printing technology, low temperature plasma treatment. In particular, the development of printing and dyeing equipment should be closely combined with technology and the development of dyes work, try to adept to energy saving technology.

Problems of saving energy should be solved in aspects of efficient units, heat recovery solution, to speed up the cold transfer printing technology, foam dealing technology and equipment development and application of airflow dyeing, perfect Stenter machine drying room structure energy efficient heat recovery and exhaust gas purification system to meet the increasingly high environmental requirements, and to shorten the gap with the international advanced level.

Filament weaving machinery

At present, several major categories of equipment used in the filament yarn industry in China, such as warping machine, sizing machine, wire machine, back twisting machine, looms, etc., all of them can be manufactured in China, and meet the demand of basic production.

But there is still a certain gap with foreign produced advanced filament textile machinery and equipment, China’s produced air-jet looms and water-jet looms, in the processing precision and assembly precision are under Japan produced similar products’ level; for materials wise, the gap is there, some materials can not stand high temperature, wheel and shaft and other parts not high-speed resistance; foreign products are more humanization in information and intelligence aspects.

Silk machinery

The silk industry’s development is inseparable from the update of the equipment. We have to continue to improve the automation of equipment, continuousness, information, and improve production quality, improve labor productivity, reduce labor, reduce costs.

The focus is: to promote the efficient intelligent automatic reeling machine, silk spinning process and its set equipment, shuttle-less looms and other key technology and equipment, to accelerate the development and application of silk printing and dyeing and finishing technology, to expand the use of silk digital printing technology, promotion of extra width, high warp density, jacquard decorative silk products processing technologies.

Hemp machinery

The existing equipment on the existing market is difficult to meet the needs of enterprises, severely restricted the independent innovation and development of the hemp business.

Number of key technologies and equipments in the industry are very concerned about, including the research and development of the ramie textile processing technology and special equipment. Through the transformation of ramie textile processing equipment to shorten the process, 50% employments can be reduced, now part of the ramie textile enterprises have transformed production equipment and components, but still need the joint development of equipment with textile machinery enterprise; advanced, efficient, low-consumption, environmentally friendly hemp fiber spinning technology and equipment, including linen and efficient comber development and application of key technologies required breakthrough on combed needle plate process parameters design.

Home textile machinery

Because the home textile industry started relatively late, most enterprises are still in the early phase of capital accumulation, the size is limited, the overall industry is relatively weak, which is manifested in less advanced equipment, automation, continuous information and level of intelligence are all behind the international advanced level, the application of information technology is low. So this require the textile industry to accelerate the R & D and actively promote high performance, high efficiency, energy saving technology and equipment, to accelerate the upgrading of industrial technology.

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