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Oeko-Tex wins 'Selected Location in Land of Ideas' award (Germany)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-25 09:02:14  来源:OEKO-TEX Association 收藏
On 1 September 2012 Oeko-Tex Standard 100, the international testing and certification system, will be awarded the accolade of "Selected Location in the Land of Ideas". "The Land of Ideas" is an initiative from the Federal German Government and German Industry.

Since 2006 and under the patronage of the Federal German President, companies and institutions which have excelled through their spirit of innovation and invention, resourcefulness and richness of ideas, have been presented with the award.

By its decision, the panel of experts from the "Land of Ideas" has paid tribute to the commitment of the International OEKO-TEX Association in its 20-year anniversary year. Long before the term "Sustainability" had even found its way into everyday use, the guidelines of the OEKO-TEX Standard 100, 1000 and 100plus were already ensuring better implementation of sustainability within the textile chain.

Today around 10,000 companies around the globe work together with OEKO-TEX. It is due to their efforts that today's consumers worldwide can use millions of textile products which pose no risk to health.

So that they can demonstrate their incorporation in the world's largest textile network, the OEKO-TEX Foundation provides certified companies with a corresponding certificate and an online banner. A free campaign package is also made available to those companies who want to inform their consumers and customers about their work, either within the context of an Open Doors Day or other events.

Jutta Knels from the OEKO-TEX Foundation received the "Selected Location in the Land of Ideas" honour plaque on 3 May 2012 in the State Chancellery of the Federal State of Hesse. The official award ceremony takes place on 31 August 2012 at the OEKO-TEX Certification Centre in Frankfurt as part of an event to which certificate holders and other sector representatives are warmly invited.

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文章关键词: Oeko-Tex Standard 100  The Land of Ideas 


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