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Chinese firms to participate in Surat textile expo (India)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-28 09:31:39  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏
More than 25 textile companies from China are expected to participate in the international textile exhibition titled “Fiber to Fashion”, to be held in Surat, a textile manufacturing hub in the Indian state of Gujarat.
Being organized by the Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI), the four-day exhibition would run from September 6-9, 2012.
Representatives of at least six leading Chinese textile firms would visit Surat during the first week of July to begin preparations for the expo.
Besides China, the event would also draw participation of companies from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Namibia, in addition to participation of around 250-275 firms from India.
The exhibition would touch all segments of the textile industry, from farming to all sorts of fabrics and finished products, and the participating companies will showcase a variety of textiles, garments and hi-tech machines.
SGCCI President Paresh Patel said the focus at this year’s event would be on machinery used for dyeing and printing, colours and chemicals.
He said in spite of the textile industry in Surat being an export-oriented industry, no research and development work is being undertaken in the sector and hence, the exporters lack a wide product range. 
At a time when the domestic textile industry is enduring a recessionary phase, Chinese and other overseas exhibitors are coming to the city to showcase their products and technology, which would prove advantageous for the local textile industry, he said.
It will help the textile entrepreneurs to learn about other kind of fabrics that are in demand, globally, he added.
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