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Singer Sewing launches SINGER One sewing machine (United States Of America)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2012-06-28 09:33:04  来源:Singer Sewing Company 收藏
Singer Sewing Company announced the launch of the SINGER One sewing machine. This machine was added to the line in response to the immense success of its limited edition The SINGER 160 anniversary sewing machine, which launched earlier this year amidst enormous consumer and industry excitement.

The SINGER One sewing machine offers the same elements of style and simplicity as The SINGER 160 machine, fulfilling a growing consumer demand for sewing machines that incorporate both design and functionality.

The SINGER One sewing machine will be the first in its series that combines SINGER's iconic design cues with its easiest-to-use features giving the classic sewing machine a modern twist.

"The SINGER brand is proud to be known for making sewing easy and accessible, and the new SINGER One sewing machine delivers on both those promises. The SINGER One sewing machine is the first model for release in our new line, and offers people of all sewing levels a chance to learn and enjoy the craft using SINGER's easy-to-use features on a very stylish looking machine at an affordable price," said Katrina Helmkamp, CEO of SVP Worldwide, producer of SINGER products.

"As we release new SINGER models, one thing will always remain consistent: our commitment to providing sewers products that are easy, affordable and fun."

With its soft curves and filigree metallic designs that pay tribute to SINGER sewing machines of past, the modern SINGER One sewing machine offers a variety of features:

  • OneTouch Stitch Selection: Makes choosing a stitch pattern quick and easy. Simply push the button of the stitch you'd like to sew. No more turning dials or scrolling through stitch options.
  • Extra-Large Sewing Space (374 mm): Provides a larger work area for quilting, home décor sewing and completing large projects.
  • SwiftSmart Threading System with Automatic Needle Threader: Sewing's biggest timesaver.

The SINGER One sewing machine also offers a host of features that are focused on simplifying the sewing process:

  • Simple Stitch Adjustment: Allows the sewer to easily adjust stitch length and width in order to keep seams strong and prevent bunching on all fabric types.
  • Drop & Sew Bobbin System: Automatically eliminates the need to raise the bobbin thread before sewing, ensuring a quicker threading process.
  • Drop Feed: Allows for easy free motion sewing, quilting and creative topstitching.
  • The SINGER One sewing machine, which retails for less than $400, is available at authorized retailers. For more information, please visit www.singerco.com.

SINGER has been one of the leading brands of consumer and artisan sewing machines, and one of the world's most trusted and recognizable brands.

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